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part of an underground mine haulage

  • Rescheduling Plan Optimization of Underground Mine Haulage

    2022.3.15  Based on the existing research, in order to ensure the completion of the original operation plan on time, the multi-equipment is rescheduled, and an optimization method for an underground mine haulage equipment rescheduling plan based on

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  • Simulation of Truck Haulage Operations in an

    2019.4.21  This paper presents the results of a case study in which the big data created by an ICT-based mine safety management system

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  • Development of an Underground Haulage System Evaluation Tool

    2019.2.13  Rail haulage systems are mostly used in underground mines, which have high production rates and a long mine life. By describing rail haulage as a track-bound

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  • Underground Mining Transportation Systems - EOLSS

    2020.8.25  Surge Control for Belt Conveyor Haulage 4.2.5. Rail Systems 4.2.6 Shaft Winding 5. Personnel Transport 5.1. Access to Underground 5.2. Personnel Transport in

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  • (PDF) Efficient vehicle haulage in underground mines

    2012.6.1  In many underground mines, haulage vehicles (trucks or road trains) carry ore from underground loading stations to the surface. Vehicles travel in declines with

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  • Haulage Cycles Identification for Wheeled

    2023.1.25  The task of ore transportation is performed in all mines, regardless of their type (open pit/underground) or mining process. A substantial number of enterprises utilize wheeled machines to perform

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  • Sustainability Free Full-Text Optimization of

    2022.12.23  Transportation methods include trackless haulage, rail haulage, ore passes, and shaft hoisting, among others. With the continuous progress of mechanization and automation in mining enterprises,

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  • Development of an Underground Haulage System

    2019.2.13  The paper introduces a simulation tool of main haulage system in underground mining. Therefore, performances and the costs of the three most common underground main haulage systems, rail,...

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  • Alternative Process Flow for Underground Mining

    2016.6.30  The aim of this study is to evaluate a conceptual future haulage method at an existing underground sub-level caving mine by comparing different haulage equipment of various sizes operating from

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  • (PDF) Fundamental behaviours of production

    2015.2.1  Two-way traffic flow dynamics in single-lane underground mine haulage ramps do affect productivity of ramp in times of ore transportation from underground to the surface for processing.

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  • Electrification Alternatives for Open Pit Mine

    2022.11.27  Truck-Shovel (TS) systems are the most common mining system currently used in large surface mines. They offer high productivity combined with the flexibility to be rapidly relocated and to adjust

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  • Rescheduling Plan Optimization of Underground Mine Haulage

    2022.3.15  Due to production space and operating environment requirements, mine production equipment often breaks down, seriously affecting the mine’s production schedule. To ensure the smooth completion of the haulage operation plan under abnormal conditions, a model of the haulage equipment rescheduling plan based on the random simulation of

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  • Method for Large Underground Structures Geometry

    2022.8.29  mines, it is clear that there is additionally a convergence of mine tunnels that should be monitored on a regular basis. As shown above, measurements of geometry are an important topic in underground mining. Shapes of tunnels, pillars, and excavations change over time, influencing the stress distribution in a rock mass [8].

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  • Metals Free Full-Text Dispatch Optimization Model for Haulage ...

    2021.11.17  The working environment of underground mines is complicated, making it difficult to construct an underground mine production plan. In response to the requirements for the preparation of a short-term production plan for underground mines, an optimization model for short-term resource planning was constructed, with the goal of maximizing the

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  • Brochure SIMINE Underground Truck EN - Siemens

    2022.11.19  Reduced mine ventilation costs Enhanced use of electrical drive systems for underground haulage cuts mine ventilation costs significantly. This is extremely impor-tant as mine ventilation systems normally operate around the clock 365 days per year and account for 25% to 40% of a mine operation’s total energy costs. 4

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  • Minerals Free Full-Text BBUNS: Bluetooth Beacon-Based Underground ...

    2017.11.21  A Bluetooth beacon-based underground navigation system (BBUNS) was developed to identify the optimal haul road in an underground mine, track the locations of dump trucks, and display this information on mobile devices. A three-dimensional (3-D) geographic information system (GIS) database of the haul roads in an underground mine

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  • Sustainability Free Full-Text Optimization of

    2022.12.23  The choice of transportation system has an important impact on the production efficiency and economic behavior of underground mines. Trackless vehicle transportation has gradually become the main method in underground mines because mining companies have realized that mining efficiency can be improved using advanced

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  • Alternative Process Flow for Underground Mining Operations: Analysis

    2016.6.30  As the near surface deposits are being mined out, underground mines will increasingly operate at greater depths. This will increase the challenges related to transporting materials from deeper levels to the surface. For many years, the ore and waste transportation from most deep underground mines has depended on some or all of the

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  • BBUNS: Bluetooth Beacon-Based Underground

    2017.12.15  minerals Article BBUNS: Bluetooth Beacon-Based Underground Navigation System to Support Mine Haulage Operations Jieun Baek 1, Yosoon Choi 1,* ID, Chaeyoung Lee 1, Jangwon Suh 2 ID and Sangho Lee 3 1 Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea; bje0511@gmail

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  • Haulage Cycles Identification for Wheeled Transport in Underground Mine ...

    2023.1.25  The task of ore transportation is performed in all mines, regardless of their type (open pit/underground) or mining process. A substantial number of enterprises utilize wheeled machines to perform ore haulage, especially haul trucks and loaders. These machines’ work consists of repeating cycles, and each cycle can be divided into 4

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  • Driving an Underground Mine Adit: Methods

    2017.3.26  Where the rock is hard, 3-, 3½-, or 4-inch Leyner-type drifters are customary. In the softer ground, mounted jackhammer-type drills of about 2 5/8-inch bore may be used. Quite recently automatic-feed

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  • Sustainability Free Full-Text Bluetooth Beacon-Based Mine

    2021.1.24  In this study, a mine production management application (app) using a Bluetooth beacon and tablet PC was developed to support the efficient operation of an underground mine loading-transport system. The app receives signals from the Bluetooth beacons attached to major loading points and crushing sites through the tablet PC

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  • Stability of underground mine development intersections during

    2014.12.1  The stability of mine developments is of utmost importance during the planned period of production or the life of a mine plan. Many Canadian underground mines use transverse stoping with delayed backfill to extract tabular ore deposits.These methods require access to the orebody through a number of sill drives and cross cuts which link

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  • Simulation of Truck Haulage Operations in an Underground Mine

    2019.4.21  Information communication technology (ICT)-based mine safety management systems are being introduced at numerous mining sites to track the location of equipment and workers in real time and monitor environmental changes. This paper presents the results of a case study in which the big data created by an ICT-based mine

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  • Access drifts - QueensMineDesignWiki

    2023.11.13  Haulage Drifts; Cross-cut Drifts; Exploratory Drift; Sill Drifts. Sill drifts (known as ore access drifts) act as the egress to the orebody in an underground mining operation and typically have the smallest cross-sections. They are usually secondary developments and act as temporary access points to an active area in the orebody that is

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  • A Simulation Model for Estimation of Mine Haulage Fleet

    2019.11.30  Haulage costs as the main part of oil sands truck-and-shovel operations costs contribute for over 50% of open pit mining costs [1,2,3,4], which shows the importance of haulage system efficiency in overall profitability of open pit mining operations.Determining the right size of the haulage fleet will optimize the overall fleet utilization and hence,

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  • Review of GIS-Based Applications for Mining: Planning,

    2020.2.28  Park et al. measured the carbon dioxide emissions of diesel vehicles operated in an underground mine using GIS. A GIS database was established for underground haulage road networks; then, the average travel speed of the diesel vehicles on each road was estimated to calculate the carbon dioxide emission factor through the

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  • Frontiers Mining-induced deformation for a haulage drift of

    2023.1.11  1 Introduction. The mining method known as sublevel caving (SLC) is widely used underground in steeply inclined metal mines, utilizing gravity to shift the blasted ore and waste rock (Brady and Brown 2006; Brunton et al., 2010; Xia et al., 2019a; Pang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022).The mines that have adopted this mining method are

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  • Short-term planning optimization model for underground mines

    2020.3.1  The development part of the mine is made of 275 sites including segments of drifts, ramps, ore and waste passes, ventilation shafts and ore access. ... applications of optimization models to underground mines have to be site specific due to the numerous mining methods and rock haulage systems used in the industry.

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  • Underground Track Design, Construction and Maintenance

    2019.2.22  Underground haulage is important in the efficient operation of an underground mine as it represents 15% of the total operating costs and is the main artery of the mining operation removing rock, supplying material to and transporting personnel to and from the working face.

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